Vybavení kliniky
Naše vybavení je zárukou vysoce kvalitní péče o vaše domácí mazlíčky. Používáme moderní technologie pro přesnou diagnostiku a efektivní léčbu. Každé zařízení nám umožňuje poskytovat služby na nejvyšší úrovni a zajišťuje vašim mazlíčkům pohodlí a bezpečnost.

Ultrasound (Sono)
Ultrasonography is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the registration of ultrasound reflected from tissues. It is one of the most important examinations for determining the cause of illness and for prevention.

Ultrasound (Sono) + ECG
Heart ultrasound and electrocardiography are fundamental diagnostic methods in cardiology. Through thorough cardiovascular examination, we can prevent heart disease.

X-ray (RTG)
X-ray examination is one of the basic diagnostic methods. The RTG method works with X-rays, which have a great ability to penetrate matter. X-ray is an integral part of diagnostics and prevention.

Intraocular pressure measurement is one of the basic eye examinations. Intraocular pressure can change due to a variety of eye diseases or some systemic illnesses accompanied by changes in blood pressure. Thanks to the tonometer, we have refined our diagnostic and treatment capabilities in ophthalmology.

Slit Lamp
It is essentially a special microscope for in vivo assessment and examination of the front part of the eye. It allows us to observe individual details of living tissue and, as the beam passes through the various structures of the eye, it displays the transparent parts of the eye in optical section.

An ophthalmoscope, or eye mirror, is a device used to observe the retinal background through the pupil. It is an essential part of eye examination.

Blood Pressure Measurement
This device measures blood pressure using the oscillometric method with high resolution (High Definition Oscillometry). It allows the connection of the device to a PC via USB cable. Data archiving, ECG curve rendering, etc., are included.

Blood, Urine, and Stool Tests
An essential part of our clinic is the biochemical and hematological blood analyzer. We recommend blood tests as a preventive measure. Our equipment fully enables complete urine testing, including culture, and coprological examination.

Microscopy allows for the examination of external parasites, stool analysis for internal parasites, urine sediment examination, and cytological analysis.

Special Equipment in the Operating Room
The light source with magnifying glass allows thorough examination of the entire animal ear canal, including the eardrum. By extending the otoscope with a larger attachment, we can perform a vaginoscopic examination.

Our operating room is equipped with all the necessary tools. Thanks to modern equipment, we always provide the highest level of care.
We have an anesthesiology device for administering general inhalation anesthesia. We also have a dental ultrasound for cleaning tartar. An endoscope with a built-in camera allows us to examine the respiratory tract, stomach, or intestines. We most often look for foreign bodies or pathological changes. Our clinic is also equipped with devices for orthopedic procedures, such as an orthopedic drill, etc. Thanks to the specialization of MVDr. Michal Dašek, we are equipped for eye surgeries.
Working hours
- Mon – Fri:
- 09:00 - 20:00
- Sat: Closed until further notice
- Sun: Closed
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